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Victories & Losses

The 12th Aero Squadron faced great danger and paid a heavy price to complete its missions. In six months of combat operations they suffered eleven members killed, five captured and at least four identified wounded. Though not a fighter squadron, the 12th also lists five confirmed kills and several more unconfirmed.


Capt Dogan Arthur & 1st Lt Howard Fleeson

1st Lt. John Miller & Stephen Thompson

Capt Elmer R. Haslett

1st Lt. Kenneth Holden



1​ Unconfirmed

1 Unconfirmed

12 Sept & 30 Oct

28 July

28 Sept

1 Nov


Prisoner of War

Killed in Action

Wounded in Action

2nd Lt. Cyril M. Angel

2nd Lt. William Key Bond Emerson

Captain E. P. Hinds*

1st Lt. A. J. Bradford

1st Lt. Alfred N. Joerg

2nd Lt. John Cooper Lumsden

1st Lt. John C. Miller

1st Lt. Alvin C. Goodale*

1st Lt. Edwin Orr*

1st Lt. Wistar Morris

1st Lt. Sidney W. Beauclerk

* Killed in Accident

14 May

14 May

24 June

25 July

25 July

28 July

28 July

14 September

14 September

29 September

29 October

1st Lt. Armin F. Herold

2nd Lt. Samuel A. Bowman

1st Lt. Ralph C. Keely

2nd Lt. Herbert Souder Bean

2nd Lt Alfred B. Baker

1st Lt. Cassius Styles

1st Lt. Robert A. Patterson

2nd Lt. John F. Foy

1st Lt. Harold D. Muller

28 July

29 September

29 October

30 October

30 October

24 June

4 October

7 October

19 October

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